Sunday, December 30, 2012

Module 2

Global Diversity of Distance Education

Global Diversity evolved easily within the realm of distance education. Simply the fact that people are able to participate in online classes from anywhere in the world that has the internet means that global diversity exists. As computers and the Internet have become more and more commonplace in people's every day lives, online everything has been growing. You can do so many things online, from ordering "things" to communicating and keeping up with friends and family to getting an education. I love online services because I'm a single mom who works full-time. It is so convenient to be able to take care of our needs from my home (I feel like we spend so much time away from home) that being able to do things from the comfort of my couch is priceless. Without online education available, I would not have been able to accomplish my educational goals. 

There are many online tools available today to facilitate these interactions among learners. We are using a lot of them in the classes that many of us are a part of right now. Blogging allows us to communicate and reflect in a bit more of a relaxed way. Wikis allow us to work together to create and share ideas. Our discussion boards allow us to have intelligent conversations with each other about what we are learning. I always learn something new when I get to "talk" with my classmates about what we read and saw over the course of a module.

Distance education is an excellent choice for many people.

1 comment:

  1. Erin,

    I agree that online learning can help working adults continue their education. I work full time and have 2 special needs sons (ages 3 and 10), so two working parents isn't really an option for us. My husband has been staying home with the boys for the past year and a half. Needless to say, obtaining a graduate degree would be nearly impossible for me without online education. I believe that since I am able to conduct my learning in an online medium has allowed me to deepen my understanding and knowledge. The travel constraints to traditional learning would negatively impact my professional, family, and educational obligations. Do you think the increased availability will diminish the value of higher degrees?


